How to Become a Brand Ambassador (2021)

How To Become A Successful Brand Ambassador

Before you learn how to become an ambassador for a brand, you must be familiar with the role and responsibility of holding this position. Internet and social media continue to evolve; hence duties of an ambassador also underwent changes. You are presented with numerous opportunities to earn a living by becoming the face of the brand you love. The selected candidate uses his connections to promote brands offering via word-of-mouth marketing. Additionally, a brand ambassador also represents the company at events, demonstrates the workings of a product, or gives away free samples.

You don't have to be a marketing wiz to be eligible for the role. The critical attribute of a brand ambassador is his passion for the company's values, message, mission, and offerings. This enthusiasm and excitement will rub off on the brand's target audience as they interact.

Although ambassadors and influencers share some similarities, they cannot be considered the same. For the most part, an influencer marketing agency is tasked with finding suitable influencers for your campaign – they may or may not be aware of your business's existence. On the other hand, an ambassador is loyal to your brands, even if you never attempted to establish a partnership.

This article talks about different types of ambassadors and how they benefit a company. We will also take a gander at how an influencer differs from a brand ambassador. So stay with us till the end.

What Is A Brand Ambassador

What Is A Brand Ambassador

A brand ambassador is recruited to increase the company's reach by talking about its offerings. Gone are the days where people listen only to celebrities to make their buying decision. Today you and I have the power to influence fellow consumers to purchase a company's product or services.

Besides promoting a company, once you become an ambassador for brands, your duties will also include the following:

  • Providing valuable feedback on future project designs.
  • Hosting events.
  • Playing a crucial role in building a brand identity.

These individuals are attached to the company, hence are familiar with their mission and values. And since they have first-hand experience using their products, they also know the extent of their capabilities. All these attributes make an ambassador a reliable voice of the brand. Brands enjoy several benefits from recruiting an ambassador because instead of a random influencer who has nothing but a huge following to show for. An ambassador is someone passionate about the brand.

Types Of Brand Ambassador

Types Of Brand Ambassador

Influencer Ambassador

The terms influencer and brand ambassador are often interchanged largely because many brands consider effective Influencers as their future ambassadors. But why would a business do that? Well, think of it this way. Influencers are famous social media personalities who create mesmerizing, engaging, and inspiring content for their audience. These creators also have a massive following on their social media handles - this works in the brand's favour. Businesses get access to an Influencer's audience base - converting them into their long-term customers. An influencer ambassador is also known as a social media brand ambassador. They get compensated through direct payment, free products, gifts, or commissions.

Customer Ambassadors

Customers are the backbone of every business. They are individuals who buy products or services of a company and play a vital role in the growth of a brand. Thus, it is crucial to understand your customers' needs and find ways to enhance the quality of your offerings.

Customers hold power to influence the perception of fellow purchasers (their friends, family, or colleagues) towards a company's brand product or services. Some loyal to a brand will even take it one step further and provide ideas for content creation, product development, or services. Brands across the globe are ramping up their efforts to form meaningful relationships with their loyal consumers and convert them into their brand advocates. They understand that word of mouth is a powerful form of marketing because promotion happens not from the brand but from its customers. People are more likely to develop an interest in a brand's offering if fellow consumer advocates for its credibility. Unlike Influencers, customer brand ambassadors are rarely paid for their efforts. Instead, they are rewarded with gift cards, sample products, or invitations to exclusive events organized by the brand.

Industry Expert Ambassadors

Consumers always turn to experts for suggestions or recommendations. These individuals are considered a reliable source of information because they are an authority on the subject - enough to attach the label "expert" to their names. There is competition in every niche - some more than others. In such situations, it gets increasingly difficult for customers to make the right choice between multiple product options. Hence, to provide necessary details to their target audience, add credibility to their business, and stand apart from their rivals, a company should recruit industry experts into their brand ambassador program. Expert ambassadors enjoy many benefits, including payment for the services, commissions, and early access to a new product.

Affiliate Ambassador

In the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in the brand's usage of affiliate marketing to reach new customers and increase their sales numbers. This form of promotion involves affiliates - people who promote a brand's product or services on multiple social media platforms. For every sale an affiliate makes, a part of the profit goes to him as commission. For a campaign, a brand usually procures services from multiple affiliates. Each creator is provided with a unique link or promo code to share with their audience. The brands track every sale through these links or codes, and the promoters are rewarded accordingly.

A brand would hire an affiliate as their long-time online brand ambassador if he successfully brought more people that converged on the company's marketing goals.

How to Become a Paid Brand Ambassador

Select Your Platform

Get your Foundation right. If you are a beginner, start by selecting a particular social media platform. Here you will consistently upload content and engage with your followers. Don't try to grab on too many things at a time. Focus your efforts on growing your primary account. However, as you grow and get recognized, you can expand into other social media domains.

Create Eye-Catching Social Media Profile

Create Eye-Catching Social Media Profile

When designing your profile page, you should think from a brand's perspective. Think about what the company is looking for from its brand ambassador. After providing your basic details - your name, contact info, location, biography, you must also add your area of interest, for example, sports, fashion, travel, fitness, business, etc. It would also help tell your audience about your attributes that make you stand apart from your competitors. Highlight the plus points that could potentially compel a brand to hire you as their ambassador.

Search For The Right Brands

Search For The Right Brands

Companies are on a hunt for ambassadors whose activities coincide with their own. For example, a sports and fitness company that produces sports equipment will consider an athlete to represent their products or brand. Similarly, a travel agency would want some that travels a lot to endorse their services.

So how can you discover a company that is a good fit for you?. Well, you can start by looking at a company's social media handles. Go through their posts and do a background check on their existing influencers - this will provide insights into what a company expects when you become ambassador for the brand. See if the interest of the brand is reflected in the content you create. Becoming an ambassador for a brand is easy when you willingly showcase your approval for what the company stands for through your content.

Also, by regularly interacting with a brand's posts, you can increase your chances of getting selected when you finally approach the company.

Engage With Your Audience

Ok, so you found a company, now what? Are your feelings reciprocated on the company's side? Why should they consider you as their new brand ambassador?. It is not easy. A company's time is too valuable to be wasted on someone with no substantial credibility in the digital space. It would help if you built a rapport to advocate your case to the company.

How can you do that? - well, by getting your audience to engage with your posts. Tell them to drop a like or let their opinions be known through a comment. Brands prefer creators that others consider to be a reliable sources for valuable advice or information.

Build A Large Following

Build A Large Following

A large audience base can come in handy when you become ambassador for a brand. You can let your viewers know that you will be attending a launch event organized by the brand through your posts. Collaborate with fellow influencers to add to your followers count. Consider your followers as potential brand customers. The more sales you generate for the company, the more money you will make as an ambassador.

Establish Connection With Brands

Establish Connection With Brands

After narrowing down on the brand, you prefer endorsing. Begin hunting for companies that you would like to promote. Getting in touch with companies will help determine whether they are looking for an ambassador and their expectations should you be hired for the role. How can you connect with the company? A business's social media account is the best place to start a communication. You can drop a message in chats. If they are interested, you will hear from them shortly with the necessary details. However, if you want to try a more traditional approach, you can visit the company when they are in town for an event.

Influencer Vs. Brand Ambassador

Influencer Vs. Brand Ambassador

I will divide this section into two. First, let's look at the similarities between the two types of promoters and then move to the differences.


  • Influencers and ambassadors are selected because of their interest in the brand and their ability to influence a company's target audience.
  • Brands expect the same outcome from recruiting an ambassador and influencer - reach new audiences and get more customers.
  • Both types of promoters create content featuring the brand or their offerings.
  • An Influencers and online brand ambassador create awareness for a branch product in the minds of potential consumers.
  • Influencers and ambassadors will promote a product that they have used before or have an underlying interest in.


  • Influencers are selected based on their ability to reach new target customers, whereas ambassadors are chosen because of their passion for the brand and its products.
  • Influencers usually make videos demonstrating the use of the product. On the other hand, an ambassador will use word of mouth as a tool for promotion.
  • You, as a brand, would have the loyalty of an ambassador. Hence they are dedicated to promoting your company and its offerings. But influencers you consider may decline to endorse your product - when there is nothing special about it. This is usually the case when Influencers receive multiple endorsement requests from other industry leaders.
  • Influencers will get some monetary compensation for promoting your product. However, those who become ambassador of a brand will advertise company’s offerings for free.
  • Influencers are recruited for a short period. In contrast, an ambassador has a long-term relationship with the brand and repeatedly promotes your products and services.

Thank you for sticking with us till the end. We hope you have gained valuable insights on how to become an ambassador for a company.

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